Microsoft Word Tutorial. By Denise Etheridge. You can use this free online tutorial to learn Microsoft Word 2. Word XP). Click here to start. If you are using Word 2. Word 2. 00. 7 tutorial.
Lesson One: Getting Familiar with Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is a word processing software package. Copy Unix Files To Windows. You can use it to type letters, reports, and other documents. You use the Word window to interact with Microsoft Word. Lesson Two. Things You Need to Know About Microsoft Word.
Before you get started with Word, there are a few concepts with which you need to be familiar. This lesson explains those concepts. Lesson Three. Microsoft Word Basic Features You. Word document. This lesson covers typing, using the Backspace key, using the. Delete key, inserting text, bolding, underlining, and italicizing. Lesson Four. More Microsoft Word Basic Features. The features in Word can make your work easier, make your documents more attractive, and/or enable you to work more efficiently.
With a hanging indent, the second and all the following lines of a paragraph are indented more than the first. The fastest way to add a hanging indent is to use the. How to align numbers in numbered lists and tabular text in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 documents.
This Microsoft Word lesson teaches you how to open a file, cut, copy, paste, use Auto. Text, use spell check, use Find and Replace, and work with fonts. All of these features either make your work easier or make your document more attractive. Lesson. Five: Working with Paragraphs.
When you type information into Microsoft Word, each time you. Enter key Word creates a new paragraph. You can format paragraphs. In this lesson, you will learn about the various formats you can apply to a paragraph. Lesson. Six: Tab Key, Bulleting, Numbering, Undo, Redo, Printing, and Help. If you have lists of data, you may want to bullet or number them.
Intro: Formatting APA Style in Microsoft Word 2013. Formatting a paper in APA style can be tricky, so I have created this step-by-step guide on how to format APA.
When using Microsoft Word, bulleting and numbering are easy. The first part of this lesson teaches you to bullet and number. After you have completed your document, you may want to share it with others. Forcer L Installation D Un Paquet Ubuntu Server. One way to share your document is to print and distribute it. In this lesson you learn how to work with tables.