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Liste von Abk. Dieter Guicking, G. April 2. 01. 7/Last update: April 2. ABCD. XYZZiffern/Numerals. A AAdenin (DNA- Base/DNA base)a.. Atto.. 2. 00. 2)AAAAAuthentication, Authorization, Accounting and Auditing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)AAAFAssociation A.
Petersburger. Chr.)AHAAmerican Heart Association. AHAMAssociation of Home Appliance Manufacturers (USA)AHDIAtari Hard Disk Interface.
AHMDAdvanced Helmet- Mounted Display. AHQPArchive for the History of Quantum Physics. AHRCArts and Humanities Research Council (UK)AHRFAmerican Hearing Research Foundation.
AHRIAir- Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute. AHRIAustralian Herbicide Resistance Initiative. AHSAmerican Helicopter Society. AHSAirborne Hyperspectral Scanner. AHSUMAdaptable High- Speed Undersea Munition. AHTAverage Hamiltonian Theory (Teilchenphysik/particle physics)AHUAir Handling Unit (HVAC)A& IAbstracting and Indexing (data bases)AIAcoustical Imaging (Conference series)AI.
Augustin, fr. 2. 01. ALMAAdditive Layer Manufacturing for Acoustic Metamaterials. ALMAAssociation of Loudspeaker Manufacturing & Acoustics International.
ALOPActive Learning in Optics and Photonics (UNESCO- Programm/program)ALPAxion- Like Particle. ALPACAAdvanced Liquid- Mirror Probe for Astrophysics, Cosmology and Asteroids. ALPHAAbsorption Low Plus High Aperture (Laserstrahlaufweitung/laser beam expansion)ALPHAAntihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (international collaboration)ALPh.
AAquitaine Lasers, Photonique and Applications (Bordeaux, FR)ALPSAny Light Particle Search (experiment)ALPSPAssociation of Learned and Professional Society Publishers. ALSAdvanced Light Source (LBNL)ALSAlternative Light Source. ALSAmyotrophe Lateralsklerose (degenerative Nervenerkrankung/degenerative nervous disease)ALSEPApollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages (auf dem Mond/on the moon)ALSMAirborne Laser Swath Mapping (Geod. Weltkrieg)AMCDAnnular Momentum Control Device. AMDAdvanced Micro Devices (Sunnyvale, CA, USA)AMDAge Related Macula Degeneration, altersbedingte Makula- Degeneration (Sehschw. Chr.)AUCAmerican University in Cairo (Egypt)Au.
CAuthentication Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)AUIAssociated Universities, Inc. SE)BFBurkina Faso (fr.
P& I T. I. T. Bulletin of Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Yokohama, Japan)BUNDBund f.
Karlsruhe, DE)CEDRClinical and Experimental Dental Research. CEDRConference of European Directors of Roads. C. Louis, MN, USA)CMICritical Materials Institute (Ames Laboratory)CMIPCommon Management Information Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)CMIP5. Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5. CMIRCenter for Molecular Imaging Research (Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA)CMISCommon Management Information Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)CMISECommon Management Information Services (or: System) Element (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)CML.
Ordnung/second order distortion)CSPCenter for the Study of the Presidency (USA)CSP. Ordnung/third order distortion)CTBTComprehensive Test Ban Treaty (Atomwaffenteststoppvertrag 1. CTBTOComprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (Wien, AT)CTCCentral Traffic Control (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology)CTCCirculating Tumor Cell. CTCConvolutional Turbo Code (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)CTCCrew Training Complex (DLR, K. Chr.)DHADocosahexaens. Deutsches Zentrum f. Verbrennungsvorg.
Dynamic Parcel Distribution. DPDDigital Predistortion. DPDCHDedicated Physical Data Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)DP- DQPSKDual- Polarization Differential Quadrature Phase- Shift Keying (Modulation)DPEDistributed Processing Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)DPFDieselpartikelfilter.
DPFDistributed Packet Filtering (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)DPGDeutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. DPHEP. Made Easy (open access publishing project)EJSEasy Java Simulation (programming environment)EJSMEurope Jupiter System Mission (ESA–NASA project, planned for about 2. EKAExpositions- .
SFOR)Eu. GHEurop. Augustin)FITFraunhofer- Institut f. Kiel)GEOSGoddard Earth Observing System (NASA)GEOSSGlobal Earth Observation System of Systems (Satelliten/satellites)GEPRISgef.
GLADGeneral Laser Analysis and Design. GLASTGamma- Ray Large Area Space Telescope. GLBAGramm Leach Bliley Act (US health care)GLBRCGreat Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (at the University of Wisconsin, Madison)GLCMGround- Launched Cruise Missile. GLDVGesellschaft f. GLPGlucagon- Like Peptide. GLPGood Laboratory Practice, gute Labor- Praxis. GLSGeneral Logistics (Paketdienst/parcel service)GLSGlobal Locating Sensing.
GLVgeschlossene Luftversorgung (Kfz- Federung/vehicle suspension)GLZGeneralized Linear Modelling. GMGambia (ISO 3. 16. GMGeneral Motors. GMACGraduate Management Admission Council. GMAGTopical Group on Magnetism and Its Applications (APS)GMATGraduate Management Admission Test.
Gmb. HGesellschaft mit beschr. Augustin–Birlinghofen, sp. Ingbert und Potsdam- Golm)IBOCIn- Band On- Channel (high- definition radio)Ib. O: LESIntegrierte betriebliche Optimierung: L.
See also SAIFR and MAIS)ICUIntensive Care Unit (Krankenhaus/hospital)ICUInternational Congress on Ultrasonics. ICUMEInternational Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering.
I- CVUEIncentives for Cleaner Vehicles in Urban Europe. ICWInternet Call Waiting (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)ICZMIntegrated Coastal Zone Management (Meeresk. Kaiserslautern)IFPInstitut f. IHMEInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)IHPInstitut f. IICWGInternational Ice Charting Working Group. IIDIndependent and Identically- Distributed (Data; Filtertheorie/filter theory)IIDInteraural Intensity Difference (Richtungsh.
IVV)ILWIntermediate- Level Waste (radioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste)IMInformation Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)IMInstant Messaging (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)IMIntensit. Augustin)IML. Freiburg)IMUInertial Measurement Unit (Verkehr, Tr. Hopkins, AZ, USA)IOTAInstitut d'Optique Th. Can You Install A Sata Hard Drive On Ide Motherboard on this page. Rostock)IPImage Processing.
IPIntegral Photography (TV)IPIntellectual Property. IPIntelligence Platform. IPIntentional Programming.
IPInternational Protection. IPInternet Protocol (Rechnernetz/computer network)IPA.
Stuttgart)IPWRIntegral Pressurized Water Reactor. IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)IPYInternational Polar Year (M. ILV)IWInstitut der Wirtschaft (K.
Indonesien und Mongolei)IWRNInternational Workshop on Railway Noise (conference series)IWS. Macdonald Laboratory (Kansas State University, USA, Department of Physics)JROJicamarca Radio Observatory (Peru)JRSJapanese Rocket Society. JRSEJournal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. JSAJapanese Space Agency.
JSAPThe Japanese Society of Applied Physics. JSASSJapan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. JSCJohnson Space Center (USA)JSCJ. KMKSt. Kitts und/and Nevis (ISO 3.
KNIMEKonstanz Information Miner. KNNk. 2. 00. 9)KONTASKonzentrator- Teststand Almer. Lucia (ISO 3. 16.
LCALibrary Copyright Alliance. LCALife Cycle Assessment (Fahrzeugentwicklung/vehicle development)LCALiquid Crystal Array. L- Camp. Linearized Channel Amplifier (Satelliten/satellites)LCASLink Capacity Adjustment Scheme (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)LC- ATCLow Complexity Adaptive Transform Codec (Musikkompression/music compression)LCCLinked Content Coalition (scientific publishing)LCDLiquid Crystal Display. LCELiquid- Crystal Elastomer.
LCGLarge Hadron Collider Computing Grid (CERN)LCGTLarge- Scale Cryogenic Gravitational- Wave Telescope (JP)LCHLightness- Chroma- Hue (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing)LCLSLINAC Coherent Light Source (at SLAC)LC/MSLiquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. LCNLondon Centre for Nanotechnology (at UCL)LCNPLawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy (USA)LCOLas Campanas Observatory (Chile)LCOSLiquid Crystal on Silicon (Chip)LCPLiquid Crystal Polymer. LC- PCFLiquid Crystal Photonic Crystal Fibre. LCRLow Chip Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)LCROSSLunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite. LCSLagrangian Coherent Structure.
LCSLevenorgestrel Contraceptive System. LCSLine Connection Subsystem (Datennetz/data network)LCSLocation Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)LCSILow- Coherence Speckle Interferometry. LCTLarge Coil Task (Karlsruhe, DE)LCTLaser- Kommunikationsterminal. LCTCLow Cost Tooling for Composites. LCULocal Communications Unit. LCVDLaser Chemical Vapor Deposition. LCXLeaky Coaxial Cable.
LDLaser Diode, Laserdiode. LDletale Dosis. LDALaser Doppler Anemometer, Laser Doppler Anemometry. LDALinear Discriminant Analysis (Signalanalyse/signal analysis)LDALow- Density Amorphous (ice)LDACSL- Band Digital Aeronautical Communication System. LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)LDCLeast Developed Countries. LDCLow Duty Cycle (Telekommunikation/telecommunication)LDFLocal Density Functional.
LDGMLow- Density Generator Matrix. LDLLow- Density Lipoprotein (. MANPADSMan- Portable Air Defence Systems.
MAOMethylaluminoxan (Katalysator/catalyst)MAPMalaria Atlas Project. MAPManufacturing Automation Protocol (Datennetz bei GM/data network of GM)MAPMaximum a posteriori (probability) (Sch. Seit 1. 1. 2. 00. Fraunhofer- Institut f. Mu. PADMulti- Processing Algebra Data (Tool)MUPUSMulti- Purpose Sensors for Surface and Sub- Surface Science (Rosetta project)MURAMidwestern Universities Research Association (USA)MURIMultidisciplinary University Research Initiative. MURRMissouri–Columbia's University Research Reactor.
MUSCMicrogravity User Support Center (DLR, K. Paris- Sud, FR)NAMDNanoscale Molecular Dynamics Program. NAMEMNational Agency of Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring (Ulanbator, Mongolia)NAMURNormenausschuss Mess- und Regeltechnik. NANDNeurotechnologies for Analysis and of Neural Dynamics (course at Princeton University, USA)NANGOGrav.